by | Sep 12, 2023 | sononews, english, events, news
IBC International Broadcasting Convention 2023 IBC will soon open the door in Amsterdam. Meanwhile our company will not exhibit this year, our new light weight Dual Minislot receiver’s holder with rotary fader extension SONOSAX SX-RX8+ can be seen at Wysicom...
by | Jul 12, 2019 | events, news
Note: this issue is solved in firmware version 3.6 and higher SX-R4+ users equipped with the “4CH OUT on XLR-5M” option are confronted with a bug in FW version 3.5. After switching the unit off and on again, the optional board appears to be functional, but...
by | Jul 8, 2019 | events, news
THIS OFFER IS NO LONGER VALID This summer only: Receive your Complete Sound Recording Package with an Exceptional 15% Discount SX-R4+ 16-track Professional Audio Recorder SX-AD8+ with 8 additional Microphone Inputs Two SX-LC8+ Linear Fader...
by | Mar 14, 2019 | events, news
We are pleased to co-exhibit with PSI and Merging Technologies at the next AES Convention, March 21-23 in Dublin, Irland. You are more than welcome to visit us on our booth 404. How to get to the Convention Centre Dublin Event Registration
by | Jan 9, 2019 | events, news
Come to visit the Areitec booth at the AFC’s Micro Salon, Paris. See Micro Salon website for more information. SONOSAX sera représenté par notre distributeur Areitec au Micro Salon de l’AFC les vendredi 8 et samedi 9 février 2019 à Paris. Plus...
by | Oct 9, 2018 | events, news
We are pleased to exhibit at the next AES Convention, October 17-19 2018 at New York. You are more than welcome to visit us on our booth @225.