by | Oct 1, 2015 | sononews
SONONEWS October 2015-EN SONOSAX SX-R4+ recorder, announcing the US version; to be seen at the AES Convention in New York SONOSAX SX-R4+ announcing firmware version 1.3 Possible issue with the WiFi on SX-R4+ SONOSAX distributor...
by | Jul 14, 2015 | sononews
SONONEWS July 2015-EN SONOSAX SX-R4+ recorder, deliveries will start by the end of July Pre-ordering still open until July 20 Technical overview SONONEWS Juillet 2015-FR Enregistreur SONOSAX SX-R4+, les livraisons débuteront fin juillet Les pré-commandes sont encore...
by | Jan 14, 2015 | sononews
SONONEWS January 2015-EN Product announcement: SX-R4+ recorder Pre-ordering information Preliminary technical overview SONONEWS Janvier 2015-FR Annonce de produit: enregistreur SX-R4+ Pré-commandes Aperçu...
by | Nov 14, 2014 | sononews
SONONEWS November 2014-EN TECH TRUST takes over the SONOSAX distribution in Japan SONOSAX present at SATIS and InterBEE SONOSAX SX-R4+ & SX-AD8+ Factory Destocking SONONEWS Novembre 2014-FR TECH TRUST reprend la distribution de SONOSAX au Japon SONOSAX présent au...
by | May 14, 2014 | sononews
SONONEWS May 2014-EN ADN-2A available from stock Factory Destocking New for 2014 Ultra light weight equipments Luftrausch HQ sound libraries SONONEWS Mai 2014-FR ADN-2A disponible du stock Déstockage d’usine Nouveauté 2014 Equipements ultra légers...
by | Jul 14, 2013 | sononews
SONONEWS July 2013-EN ADN-2A new active loudspeakers Firmware version 4.3 released SONOSAX SX-ST price down SD to CF card adapter SONONEWS Juillet 2013-FR ADN-2A nouveau haut-parleur actif Firmware version 4.3 disponible SONOSAX SX-ST baisse de prix Adaptateur SD vers...