The SONOSAX SX-R4+ is nominated to the forthcoming 54th CAS Outstanding Product Award.

Each year the CAS Awards – Cinema Audio Society – recognizes not only Outstanding Sound Mixing in film and television but also Outstanding Products that have become very useful in the workplace and are established as essential tools for the mixing communities.

At SONOSAX we are very honored and proud that our SONOSAX SX-R4+ recorder has been nominated in the category “Production” and will be part of the final round for the Award with four other nominees by February 24.

The Cinema Audio Society was formed in 1964 for the purpose of sharing information with Sound Professionals in the motion and television industry. One of the noticeable objectives of the CAS is “to advance the art of auditory appreciation and to philanthropically support those causes dedicated to the sense of hearing”, a statement that really touches us at SONOSAX as our constant efforts to improve audio quality of our products are also dedicated to the sense of hearing.

More about the CAS at: