It’s time to say goodbye

Dear All,

Sometime life is calling for a change, and after almost 15 enjoyable years with SONOSAX I have decided to give my life and my career a different orientation.

During all these years I have been blessed to meet so many of you at so many different places, and for being in touch with so many different personalities over the world by e-mail or over phone. I have really appreciated that with all of you, Sonosax users, distributors, dealers, suppliers, partners and even some competitors, our relationship went well beyond the usual “business relation” and that we have been sharing not only mutual confidence and respect but also friendships. It has been a very rewarding human experience for me and it certainly helped making the person I am today.

I would like to thank Jacques Sax who gave me the opportunity to join SONOSAX in early 2004 and for the trust and confidence he placed in me all over these years. I must say that I feel a true proud ness having been part of almost 40% of SONOSAX history. It has been sometime very challenging but also very rewarding to be part of a leading company not only developing and manufacturing outstanding products but also bringing ideas and innovation in this market.

Last but really not least I would like to thank and raise a huge thumb up to all my today or former colleagues without whom nothing would have been possible. Thanks to their incredible skills and professionalism we have been able to constantly move forward together hand in hand, not only with a lot of respect and collegiality but also with true friendship. No doubt they will continue to perform a fantastic job with the same aim we all share at Sonosax: client’s satisfaction.

So it is time to say goodbye. I am wishing you plenty of success and enjoyments in your professional activities and a lot of happiness and serenity in your life.

For those who wish to stay in touch you can contact me at:

Warmest regards

Pierre Blanc


Dear clients, partners and friends,

We have had the pleasure of having Pierre Blanc as our technical sales and customer support at SONOSAX for many years. It is time for him to say good bye to us now and we can only regret it.

Pierre has been loved by our SONOSAX users and he had become “the face” of SONOSAX over the years. We appreciated his enthusiasm and compassionate spirit, indeed. He will leave us all with great memories.

We thank him warmly for his precious collaboration and wish him all the best for the future.

His departure leads us to make some changes in terms of our network of resellers and representatives, as well as our commercial strategy.

You will be kept informed and in the meantime, you can send any request to the manager-Jacques Sax directly:

With our most cordial greetings,

Jacques Sax and the entire SONOSAX SAS SA team

Chers clients, partenaires et amis,

Nous avons eu le plaisir d’avoir chez SONOSAX Pierre Blanc, en tant que technico-commercial et support clients, pendant de nombreuses années. Il nous quitte maintenant et nous ne pouvons que le regretter.

Pierre était devenu un peu “la tête visible” de SONOSAX et nous avons apprécié son esprit enthousiaste et sympathique ! il nous laissera à tous d’excellents souvenirs.

Nous le remercions chaleureusement pour sa précieuse collaboration et lui souhaitons le meilleur pour la suite.

Son départ nous amène à opérer quelques changements, au niveau de notre réseau de revendeurs et représentants ainsi qu’à celui de notre stratégie commerciale.

Vous en serez tenus informés et, dans l’intervalle, vous pouvez adresser toute demande à M. Jacques Sax directement.

Avec nos très cordiales salutations,

Jacques Sax et toute l’équipe SONOSAX SAS SA





SONOSAX SX-R4+ nominated to the forthcoming 54th CAS Outstanding Product Award

The SONOSAX SX-R4+ is nominated to the forthcoming 54th CAS Outstanding Product Award.

Each year the CAS Awards – Cinema Audio Society – recognizes not only Outstanding Sound Mixing in film and television but also Outstanding Products that have become very useful in the workplace and are established as essential tools for the mixing communities.

At SONOSAX we are very honored and proud that our SONOSAX SX-R4+ recorder has been nominated in the category “Production” and will be part of the final round for the Award with four other nominees by February 24.

The Cinema Audio Society was formed in 1964 for the purpose of sharing information with Sound Professionals in the motion and television industry. One of the noticeable objectives of the CAS is “to advance the art of auditory appreciation and to philanthropically support those causes dedicated to the sense of hearing”, a statement that really touches us at SONOSAX as our constant efforts to improve audio quality of our products are also dedicated to the sense of hearing.

More about the CAS at:

SONONEWS December 2017

Swedish video game developer EA DICE adopts the new SONOSAX SX-R4+ recorder as the cornerstone of their game audio recording and development


An interview with DICE’s Senior Audio Director Ben Minto



Originally founded by four friends, DICE (formerly Digital Illusions) released their first title, Pinball Dreams for the Amiga, back in 1992.
25 years later, with more than 300 employees based in Stockholm, and as one of around 20 EA (Electronic Arts) teams across the world, DICE is a thriving and ground breaking studio, at the cutting edge of game development, spearheaded by their immensely successful Battlefield franchise and the Star Wars Battlefront series, which has just seen the release of Star Wars Battlefront II.

British born Ben Minto has worked for more than 20 years as a video game sound designer. He moved to Stockholm 10 years ago to join the audio team at DICE. “Audio performs a vital role in our games, by containing encoded information that allows our players to play better”, says Ben, “We do our utmost to always push for excellence in the audio that we develop, which is something that the DICE audio department is known for.”

One can read on DICE’s website; “All of us here at DICE share the passion to create extraordinary things”, and this mantra also drives the team of passionate and enthusiastic sound designers that Ben works with. “Creating sound for video games allows us plenty of room for creativity, and it often requires imaginative, and sometimes non traditional techniques to get the sounds that we want and need.”

“Over the years we have worked with, and still use many different types and kinds of recorders, each with their own personalities and takes on a sonic ‘reality’; in the past we did some tests with the (discontinued) SONOSAX SX-R4 recorder, which tickled our ears, as it sounded so realistic and more natural than many of the other recorders that we had tried. Now we are using the new SONOSAX SX-R4+ which goes even further and we have been more than impressed by its sonic performance; the SX-R4+ offers us that extra audio quality and edge that we are always looking and striving for.”

From left to right: Andreas Almström, Phillip Eriksson and Ben Minto

“We regularly undertake smaller so called guerilla recording sessions, as well as a few larger multi recordists sessions each year. Many of these larger sessions are very unique and expensive to set up, so we need to get them right, and can range from recording vintage tanks to large multi day, multi location firearm sessions. We always aim to record sounds differently on each track (different microphones, different distances, different gain settings etc.), so as to give us a diverse range of material to work with once we are back in the studio. There is a huge dynamic range between the loudest explosions and jets that we record and the quietest delicate ambiences and Foley that we also need for our titles; this is matched by the huge 135dB range of the extremely quiet microphone pre-amplifiers of the SONOSAX SX-R4+ and offer us a real advantage in the field. The preamps can accept very high input levels (+21dBu for 0dBFS) without overloading, which is perfect for us!

We typically deliver video game assets in 24/48, and so we usually record at 24/96 and occasionally at 24/192 if we are using mics with an extended frequency range. For example recording the crackles of water damaged plywood as its bent and twisted at 192k and then playing that back at a lower sampling rate (without resampling) gives astonishing deep and threatening wood tearing sounds. (Note: the SX-R4+ has a flat analogue bandwidth of 96kHz prior to the A/D converter, which is essential for 192kHz recording).

Thank you Ben for this interview and for using SONOSAX products, we wish you and everyone at DICE a Merry Christmas and a very creative New Year.


SONONEWS November 2017

InterBEE 2017 / TOKYO – Japan / November 15 to Nov 17

SONOSAX products range will be presented by our Japanese distributor TECH TRUST JAPAN Co Ltd during the next InterBEE exhibition on stand nr 1105.

SONOSAX has officially joined the Sennheiser’s “AMBEO for VR “ partnership program with the SX-R4+ 16 tracks recorder during last IBC in Amsterdam.
Following this agreement, a new firmware version of the SX-R4+ his being developed; it includes a real time A to B format conversion enabling simultaneous recording of the A and B formats – or B Format only – of the Sennheiser’s AMBEO VR mic. Both AMBIX and FUMA modes are supported.

This new firmware has already been presented to the AES Convention in N.Y. last month and has raised great interest. No doubt it will be an eye catcher at the InterBEE too.

An optional dedicated 12 pin connector is also available, enabling the AMBEO VR mic to be plugged directly onto the SX-R4+, thus eliminating the traditional 12 pin to 4 XLR audio split cables.
This is a significant step to ease the life of VR content creators capturing 3D audio in the field.

The SONOSAX SX AD8+ with its optional AVB interface will also be presented at InterBEE. The AVB interface allows a direc connection to any Apple Mac having a Thunderbolt port AVB capable by means of a simple RJ45 Ethernet cable. It has also been successfully tested on MacBook, of the latest generations by using an Apple Thunderbolt 3 to Thunderbolt 2 adapter.

More info at:

SONOSAX 40 YEARS 1977 – 2017


Open house

Saturday October 7th 2017, 10h to 17h

To celebrate our 40th anniversary, we have the great pleasure of inviting you, your family and your friends to an open house in Yverdon at the factory of our friends of PSI Audio who are also celebrating their 40th anniversary.

On this occasion you will have the opportunity to meet and talk with SONOSAX employees, to discover or rediscover some of the products we have manufactured during these 40 years as well as the range of our current products and some novelties:

  • Our legendary mixing consoles SONOSAX SX-ST and SX-ES
  • The new + serie’s: SX-R4+ recorder; SX-AD8+ preamplifier / converter; SX-RC8+ controller
  • An innovative solution to record directly on the MacBook with the SX-AD8 + and its AVB interface
  • The 2 ways active loudspeakers ADN-2A now with a 12 Volt version for OB Van, Camping car, caravan, boats…
  • A new preamplifier / converter SX-DD2 – under development- perfect companion for your HiFi system at home or in your home studio
  • A new 2 channels mic preamplifier / converter SX-M2D2 – under development – with AES I/O and USB interface


Shooting of Full Metal Jacket, Stanley Kubrick, 1986, sound engineer Edward Tise

Portes ouvertes

Samedi 7 octobre 2017, de 10h à 17h

Afin de célébrer nos 40 ans d’existence, nous avons le grand plaisir de vous inviter ainsi que vos proches et vos amis à une journée portes ouvertes qui aura lieu à Yverdon chez nos amis de PSI Audio qui fêtent également leur 40ème anniversaire.

A cette occasion vous aurez l’occasion de rencontrer et de vous entretenir avec les collaborateurs de SONOSAX, de découvrir ou redécouvrir une partie des produits que nous avons fabriqué au cours de ces 40 années ainsi que la gamme de nos produits actuels et quelques nouveautés:

  • Les célèbres tables de mixage SONOSAX SX-ST et SX-ES
  • La nouvelle gamme + : enregistreur SX-R4+; préamplificateur / convertisseur SX-AD8+; contrôleur SX-RC8+
  • Une solution innovante pour la prise de son directe sur MacBook avec le SX-AD8+ et son interface AVB
  • Les enceintes actives ADN-2A avec une version 12Volts pour OB Van, Camping car, caravane, bateau…
  • Le préamplificateur / convertisseur SX-DD2 – en cours de développement- compagnon idéal pour votre chaîne HiFi à la maison ou dans votre home studio
  • Le préampli micro / convertisseur miniature 2 canaux SX-M2D2 – en cours de développement – avec entrées/sorties AES et interface USB



SX-AD8+ AVB option card is now available

SX-AD8+ AVB option cardThe new AVB option card for the SX-AD8+ microphones preamplifier allows a direct connection to any Mac equipped with the Thunderbolt port by means of a simple RJ45 Ethernet cable.

No proprietary software is required: once connected to a Mac, the SX-AD8+ is automatically integrated to Core Audio as a 8-channel audio source.

With 8 channels of superb microphones preamplifiers with an amazing 135dB of dynamic range, a SONOSAX SX-AD8+ connected directly to a Mac makes the ideal combination for music recording on location, home studios.


Mechanically connect your SX-RC8+ or SX-AD8+ to your SX-R4+

Connecting brackets have been developed to securely fix the SX-RC8+ fader extension or the SX-AD8+ preamplifier/converter to the SX-R4+ recorder.

Machined in stainless steel, then brushed for a smooth finish, the brackets are delivered per pair with all mating screws.

SD cards cover finally available for the SX-R4+

It is amazing how long it could take, sometime, getting little things to be done the way they have to be done. After bunches of unusable prototypes we are glad to announce that the long awaited SD card cover for the SX-R4+ is now available.

Want one? We send one item free of charge to any SX-R4+ owner, just send us an email ( with your SX-R4+ serial number and your full post mail address. Want more? Additional unit cost CHF 3.90, simply send us the correct amount using Paypal (use our email address and notify it in your email.




IBC Amsterdam 2017

The next IBC Exhibition will take place in Amsterdam, September 14th to 19th. You are more than welcome to visit us on stand E96, Hall 8.

New distributor in Australia

Soundequip has been appointed as the distributor of SONOSAX products. They will be responsible for SONOSAX sales in Australia.

Soundequip was established in 1987. They sell and rent production audio and video equipment for television, outside broadcast, reality TV, motion picture, radio, education, government, defence and other industries.

Offices and showrooms are in both Melbourne and Sydney, and Soundequip assists clients in every state and territory of Australia.


+61 3 9596 7272
2A Grandview
Grove Moorabbin VIC 3189

+61 2 8556 4444
1A Broughton Road
Artarmon NSW 2064